Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Origin and development of an advertisement

                         Mass Media and Communication

Name – Shital D Italiya
Assignment Paper no – 16 (Mass-Media and communication)
Topic – Origin and development of Advertising
Roll no – 29
Enrollment no – PG13101012
Submitted to – Smt. S.B. Gardy Department of English
                                    M.K. Bhavnagar University

The origins of advertising lie thousands of years in the past. One of the first known methods of advertising was an outdoor display, usually an eye catching sign painted on the wall of a building. Archaeologists have uncovered many such signs, notably in the ruins of ancient Rome and Pompeii. An outdoor advertisement excavated in Rome offers property for rent, and one found painted on a wall in Pompeii calls the attention of travelers to a tavern situated in another town.

                   Every advertiser must know about the consumer, the product, and the market. He must also examine what consumer want and why, about the want satisfying qualities inherent in the product, about who and where his prime prospects are. Such research is useful in planning advertising strategy, in decline what should be said to whom through what  types of media to accomplish what objectives.

                   The success of an advertisement campaign is largely determined by the knowledge and skill of the people preparing it. The advertiser who is concerned with the marketing situation and proficient in the art of communication are more likely to produce effectively advertising.

                Advertising is having potentiality of creating monopoly conditions which may be sometime detrimental to consumer interests. Advertising attempts to create maintain and extend demand for the goods through brand image. Brand image advertising strikes at the very root of consumer psychology. After creating such an image, it establishes the exclusive identity for the particular brand and consumer then accepts the brand as a separate product. The consumer develop brand loyalty, such brand loyalty confidence or such a segmented market, he charges the higher prices which are readily accepted by the consumers.

What is an advertisement?

According to Wikipedia
“Advertising is a form of marketing communication used to persuade an audience to take or continue some action, usually with respect to a commercial offering, or political or ideological support.”

                 In Latin, advertere means "to turn toward”. The purpose of advertising may also be to reassure employees or shareholders that a company is viable or successful. Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various old media ;including mass media such as newspaper, magazines, television advertisement, radioadvertisement, outdoor advertising or directmail;Or new media such as blogs, websites or text messages.

                             Modern advertising was created with the innovative techniques introduced with tobacco advertising in the 1920s, most significantly with the campaigns of Edward Bernays, which is often considered the founder of modern, Madison Avenue advertising.

v History of Advertisement

                        Egyptians used papyrus to make sales messages and wall posters. Commercial messages and politicalcampaign displays have been found in the ruins of Pompeii and ancient Arabia. Lost and foundadvertising on papyrus was common in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Wall or rock painting forcommercial advertising is another manifestation of an ancient advertising form, which is present to thisday in many parts of Asia, Africa, and South America. The tradition of wall painting can be traced backto Indian rock art paintings that date back to 4000 BC.

                       In the 18th century advertisements started to appear in weekly newspapers in England. These early print advertisements were used mainly to promote books and newspapers, which became increasingly affordable with advances in the printing press;And medicines, which were increasingly sought after as disease ravaged Europe .However, false advertising and so called "quack" advertisements, became a problem, which ushered in the regulation of advertising content.

v 19th century advertisement history

                                                  Thomas J. Barratt from London has been called "the father of modern advertising.” Working for the Pears Soap Company, Barratt created an effective advertising campaign forthe company products, which involved the use of targeted slogans, images and phrases. One of his slogans, “Goodmorning. Have you used Pears' soap?" was famous in its day and into the 20th centuryUnder Barratt's guidance, Pears Soap became the world's first legally registered brand. An advertising tactic that he used was to associate the Pears brand with high culture and quality. Most famously, he used the PaintingBubbles by John Everett Millais as an advertisement by adding bar of Pears soap into the foreground. (Millais protested at this alteration of his work, but in vain as Barrat had bought the copyright. Barratt continued this theme with a series of adverts of well-groomed middle class children, associating Pears with domestic comfort and aspirations of high society.

                        Barrat established Pears Annual in 1891 as a spin off magazine which promoted contemporary illustration and color printinggrand in 1897 added the Pears enCyclopediaa onevolume encyclopedia.From the early 20th centuryPears was famous for the annual "Miss Pears" competition in which parents entered their children into the high profile hunt for a young brand ambassador to be used on packaging and in consumer promotions. He recruited scientists and the celebrities of the day to publicly endorse the product. LillieLangtry, a British music hall singer and stage actress with a famous ivory complexion, received income as the first woman to endorse a commercial product, advertising Pears Soap.

                          In June 1836, French newspaper La Presse was the first to include paid advertising in its pages, allowing it to lower its price, extend its readership and increase its profitability and the formula was soon copied by all titles. Around 1840, Volney B. Palmer established the roots of the modern day advertising agency in Philadelphia. In 1842 Palmer bought large amounts of space in various newspapers at a discounted rate then resold the space at higher rates to advertisers. The actual ad – the copy, layout, and artwork –was still prepared by the company wishing to advertise; In effect, Palmer was a space broker.

                      The Situation changed in the late 19th century when the advertising agency of N.W. Ayer & Son was founded. Ayer and Son offered to plan, create, and execute complete advertising campaigns for its customers. By 1900 the advertising agency had become the focal point of creative planning, and advertising was firmly established as a profession.  Around the same time, in France, Charles Louis Havas extended the services of his news agency, Havas to include advertisement brokerage, making it the first French group to organize. At first, agencies were brokers for advertisement space in newspapers. N. W. Ayer & Son was the first full service agency to assume responsibility for advertising content. N.W. Ayer opened in 1869, and was located in Philadelphia.

v Role of advertising in social economic changes


                      School children become addict to watch the advertisement. So majority of their study time is occupied for entertainment programme rather than extra circular activities like sports and games. Advertisement informs the public about their need and influences the living standard according to pattern and customs. It brings the people to the scientific way of living than the traditional system. It straightens the parent’s child relationship in the family where parents are employed.

       It changes the attitude and behavior of the day to day life. It influences the people towards bad habits by seeing the advertisement. It tempts the low income group towards luxury life. It creates the image of personality and prestige.

v Advertising ; socio – economic influence

 Advertising is a buyer’s guide for both consumer and industrial purchasers, providing the former with use of new merchandise and special prices and the latter with information about the material, equipment and technology.

1)    Advertising reduces distribution cost by simplifying the taste of personal selling or by replacing it entirely.

2)    Advertising encourages competition and also fosters product quality through clear brand identification and producer or distributors accountability.
3)    Advertising adds value of the product by adding to time, place and possession utility.
4)    Advertising publicizes the material and cultural incentives of a democratic productive effort by both management and labor.
5)    Advertising enable both printed and broadcast communication to maintain independently from government, political parties or other special interest group.
6)    Advertising stimulates thought and action on national and local social problem.

v Standard of living life and advertisement

                       All of us would like to look better. Eat better, clad better, house better, drive better education and so on. In fact one expects improvement in all aspects of his life and living. Standard of living refers to the set of goods and services used by the people according to their life style. A consumer life style is made up of ways of living of an individual or group that is distinct from others. The life style of an individual affects as to what are his eating and drinking habits, his clothing style, his living condition, his attitudes, subjects like religion, politics, unions, culture and so on. Standard of living as a concept is relative to individual, time and place. It reflects the extent of satisfaction that an individual is getting by use of necessaries, comfort and luxuries of life and living.

                    The standard of living in society is bound to be higher one which is capable of making available more and more goods and services so that an average man enjoys these goods and service as they are brought within his easy reach. The standard of living community depends on two basic factor, namely the ability to produce more and more goods and services at least cost and of better quality on hand and purchasing power of the consumer on the other improved standard of living does not mean printing of more notes and minting of more coins, but increasing the quality, improving the quality and reducing the costs of products and services. That is these benefit should reach the common man with lower purchasing power.

                   The standard of living is favorably influenced by the world of advertising industry. It makes people optimistic, desirous, hardworking meet their aspirations to be distinctive from other.

                   Mr.Winston Churchill said “Advertising nourishes the consumer power of men. It creates wants for better standard of living… spare individual exertion and greater production”.

v Cultural changes

                          The cultural function of advertising is to understand reflect and accept the value structure of society well before it vanishes. Advertising within the limits set by culture is to create new expectations for the consumers. The current world is moving on the level of advertising with its educative value, provoking force and invoking tinge, it affects thoughts and behaviors of the people bought in the spot light of advertising. Consumer attitudes, habits likes and dislikes, fashion, actions in every walk of life are deeply influenced by advertising.
v Market condition and role of advertisement.

                        The current day business situations warrant a forceful entry in new markets. In such newly explored market, advertising does the spade work and creates a fertile ground for the sponsor to sow the seeds of prosperity. Advertising imprints the image of the product range and the producer on its exiting reputation. The sponsor can get increased share in the new market by this creative strategy of advertising which culminates into enjoyment of leadership in the new market.

v Place of psychology in advertisement

                           The continuous pressure is to create advertisements more and more in the image of audience motives and desire. The product and the public response become a single complex pattern. Advertisement aims at the goal of a programmed harmony among all human impulses and aspirations and endeavors. Ads are not meant for conscious consumption. They are intended as subliminal pills for the subconscious in order to exercise s hypnotic spell. Any ad is carefully built on the tested foundations of public stereotypes or sets of established attitudes.

                  The words like motive, desire,response, impulse, conscious, sub – conscious attitudes are all technical term in the field of psycology. Psychology plays a vital role in advertising. Continuous pursue for the secrects of mass psychology is as the endless story of  sindubath.

ü The need of psychological perspective.

 Three characteristics are essential for a consumer to buy a particular product.

1] They must have the ability to pay for or finance the purchase.
2] They must have the power to make buying decisions.
3] The third characteristicsis that are people who can receive satisfaction from         the product. The concept of satisfaction stresses the need for a psychological perspective in considering the function of advertising.
v Objective of advertising.
                   The main objective of advertising is to influence human behavior. If too is to be accomplished, the advertiser must understand some of the basic factors that shape human behavior. The advertiser has to understand the essential psychological forces that, guide human behavior in general. Interest, drive, urge, goal, desire and motivation are some of the psychological forces needs are the most basic of these forces.
v Human needs

                             Human needs may be classified as primary needs and secondary needs. Foods and drink comfort to attract possible sex, welfare of love once, freedom from fear and danger, to superior, social approval, to live longer. Mastery over abstracted, play are some of the primary needs.

                Bargain s, information, cleanliness, efficiency, convinces, dependability, style, economy, curiosity, university, health is some of the secondary needs. Primary needs are basic needs i.e., p his product in terms of physiological needs. Secondary needs are a social need that is learned needs. The advertiserhas to emphasis the satisfaction of a basic need as well as the satisfaction of the psychological need. For example, the advertiser may present his product in term of satisfying hunger.

v Understanding the minds of the people

The person, who communicates without studying the attitude and way to life of those who wishes of influence, stands only a small chance of success.

                Attitudes are tending to reflective the group, can be of fairly long standing character traits that are extremely resistance to change. Opinions can be readily changeable. Attitudes are often based on character traits.
ü Attitudes arise in one or more three ways

Ø During the first 5 to 6 years of childhood.
Ø By association with individual and groups in later life.
Ø As a result of unique or isolated experience or similar experiences in undergone throughout life.

v Exploiting the weakness of humanism

                      Attitudes of group of individual are all a response to frustration which leads to a desire to change attitude. Among them are: rationalization, justification of our thoughts or actions; in which the thwarted goals is replaced by a substitute projection, in which the impulses people do not want to see in themselves are attributed to other – group solidity is often achieved by projecting all weakness against another group, identification, the success of group leaders is partly related to their ability to act as substitute for the person, usually the parent with whom the individual first learn to identify; compensation, when the original goal is frustrated another goal is sought through a drive which has not been involved in the original frustration; conformity, the desire to be like other people.

                 Repression is the process of excluding from “conscious awareness an undesirable thought or feeling in order to protect oneself from pain or shame. Sublimation, since the repression of biologically basic sex need is demanded by many, if not culture, individual resort to sublimation, or indirect means of satisfying the basic need. Some psychologist believes that all form of work may be broadly defined as sublimated sexual energy.

             For the welfare of society, an individual should repress his desire which is not acceptable by society. This repressed desire will find another outlet. Capitalist market especially mass media such as press.Book, industry, radio, film, TV, exploiting this weakness of humankind.

v S – R formula

                   A stimulus is a change in a person’s environment. The response is what a person is actually dose, or does not do, after being exposed to the stimulus. Hence the formula is

S                             P                              R

         S = stimulus
         P = person
         R = response
This formula may be re- read as
Sender                              Message                 Receiver in communication systems. In advertising communication, the message becomes stimulus designed to obtain certain response from the receiver – the purchase of a product, the acceptance of an idea.

                  For any idea to be transmitted successfully from the source to receiver, whether that source is personal or impersonal, the message must meet the following four qualifications.

Ø It must be so designed and deliver as to gain the attention of the receiver.
Ø It must be signals that are understood in the same way by both source and receiver.
Ø It must arouse need in the receiver and suggest some way of satisfying these needs.
Ø It must suggest a way of satisfying these needs which is appropriate to the group situation in which the receiver finds himself when he is moved to make the response desire.

v Visual representation in advertisement

                                   Advertising got in to the higher gear only at the end of last century, with the invention of the photo engraving. Ads and picture then became interchangeable and have continued so more important, picture made possible great increases in newspaper and magazine circulation that also increased the quality and profitability of ads. Today it is inconvincible that any publication, daily or periodically could hold more than a few thousand readers without picture.

                All the advertisement in print media uses picture. Ads in radio are only audible ones. Ads in the TV cinema are mixed form of audition and vision.

1.     Advertisement
2.     Industrial public relation
3.     Industrial design
4.     Design
5.     Product design

Following is the categorized factors which influence consumer’s purchasing behavior.

ü Psychological factors
·        Motivation
·        Perception
·        Learning
·        Belief and attitudes
ü Personal factors
·        Age and life cycle position
·        Occupation
·        Economics
·        Life style and personality
ü Social factors
·        Role and status
·        Family
·        Reference group
ü Cultural factors
·        Culture
·        Sub – culture
·        Social class

The above factors are classified which are as follows

                      Demographic factors such as age, income, sex, education, race, nationality, state religion, location, have been found to account for many differences in consumer behavior. Marital statuses, presence of children are included in the family life cycle division. Social class division includes family background, occupation, neighbor, source, and amount of income.

    To have a TV is an issue of family prestige. So goal of the activities of person is concentrated on buying a TV set.

 Consumer behaviors are also dependent upon what class of a family is:

Upper – Upper class
Lower – upper class
Upper – Middle class
Lower – Middle class
Upper – Lower class
Lower – Lower class

                Each class is trying to attain the status of the class which lies top of it.
Hence, the dream o lower – middle class is to become upper – middle class. And are aiming to increase the urge of these feelings.

v Individual personality in advertisement

 Personality describes the organization of the individuals distinguishing character traits and has been defined as the system of individual attitudes behavior and values that an individual exhibits and that set him apart from other’. A personality can be judged by such factors as extroversion or introversion, impulsiveness or deliberateness, activeness or siveness etc.

v Modeling in advertisements

                           Ads making use of woman fall under two categories those which treat them an sex objects, and those which convey the stereotype that oman’s place is only in the home and kitchen.

              Now modeling is very good money – earning job, who are engaged in modeling may one day have a chance to become cine actress. The entire women are not taken up as models. Slim. Fair, moderate etc. girls especially in the teenages are working as model.

               In the world ordered by sexual imbalance, pleasure in looking has been split between active male and passive female. The determining male gaze projects its fantasy on to the female figure which is style accordingly women are represented as self obsessed, individualistic and socially aspiring.

v Condition of advertising in India ; Media wise

Before we proceed to the media wise advertising, it is helpful to know that different types of advertising determine the media and the type of agencies.

v Types of advertisement

1) Manufacturer’s consumer advertising

 This type of advertising is used
ü To launch a new product or service
ü To promote an existing product or service
ü To add value to a product or service
ü To generate direct response.

2)    Retailer advertising

               This type of advertising is used by the retailer to persuade local consumer as such, it is usually local and topical.

3)    Trade, Technical and industrial advertisement
                     This type of advertisement addresses people at work not as consumer. It is generally targeted at specific groups.

4)    Financial advertisement
           This type of advertising caters to the financial aspects of an organization, whether finance is wanted as a loan, share expansion, plans etc.

5)    Classified advertisement
                 It is generally a small advertisement used to advertise rentals matrimonial, automobiles, real estate etc.

6)    Recruitment advertisement
7)    Government advertisement

 The government advertisement mainly for three purposes

ü Government Recruitment
ü Government information
ü National needs

vMedia wise

Ø  Print media                          

               With the growth of the print media, need for collective improvement ensured the formation of association. The Indian and eastern newspaper society has more than 300 members. In 1986, advertising Revenue in newspapers alone touched 400 corers. Today, it is more than 2000 corers. As such, the print media is one of the most powerful tools for the advertiser.

In the print media, the main types are:
ü National newspapers
ü Regional newspapers
ü Consumer magazines
ü Trade and technical journals
ü Directories

                  One of the main advantages of newspapers advertising is that it can provide heterogeneous audiences in the term both size and demographics.Newspaper offers a wide variety of choice in regional terms to the advertiser. A campaign on a newspaper lasts longer than a TV commercial/ Campaign, because of its retention quality/ value and unlike television, newspapers give the advertiser the chance to put across a great deal of information that the reader can keep for future reference.

                      Advertisement can buy any size of space in newspapers, depending on their choice.  There are tabloids, broadsheets etc, and the advertiser can choose the size of advertisement. Almost all the newspaper changes the advertiser on the basis of space occupied by a single column centimeter.

                   Another feature that newspaper offer advertisers in the specific sections of the paper in which to place their advertisements for sports products etc. in addition of these, newspapers, offer a space in their newspaper , in the form of classified to the very small advertisers.

              For exampleyou move to town where you want accommodation, you place an advertisement in the local newspaper under the ‘Rentals’ column, and there is one response in a day or two.


     The main disadvantages of newspaper are that the advertisers have no option, no sound, no movement and very little color. Many national newspapers provide color supplements on Sundays. The second disadvantages are, newspapers are spoken, an advertiser has to advertise in many regional news papers to reach a larger audience.

v Television and radio

 Television has become the most sought after medium in india, especially because of its wide reach and appeal.

Television and AIR Codes states that no advertisement shall be accepted, which depict:

ü Criticism of friendly countries
ü Attack on religions or communication
ü Anything obscene of defamatory
ü Incite to violence or anything against maintenance of Law and order.
ü Anything amounting to contempt of court.
ü Aspersion against the integrity of the president and judiciary.
ü Anything affecting the integrity of the nation ; and criticism by name of any person.

Radio advertising

 Radio advertising can be done depending upon the reach wanted, therefore, one can do advertising on the
ü National level
ü Regional level
ü Vivid bharti or through
ü Special programmed or even sponsorship.


Television advertising can be done on the
ü National net work
ü Specials programme
ü  video programme
ü Cable T.V

                 Satellite T.V has come into limelight. The invention of satellite BBB, CNN, ABC and STAR television on the Indian skies have given doordarshn a competitive edge. And consequently advertising revenue can be steward into satellite T.V and doordarshn may lose advertisement revenue.

                  Today, blaze advertisement agency has the monopoly in cinema advertising. Blaze has the additional advantage of inspection with the growth of the electronic media, cinema’s importance has become less, and nevertheless, cinema advertising play a vital role, as it is one of the powerful medium of masses

Outdoor media

      Outdoor media consist of the following.         
ü Hoardings
ü Kiosks
ü Neon signs
ü Running LED display
ü Posters
ü Bill boards
ü Glow sign box
ü On moving vehicles
ü Wall paintings
ü Non-conventional media.

Advertising agency system in India

                     The three, (media, advertising agency and advertiser) advertising agencies solely depend on the advertiser for the advertisements and media as their expression. And in doing this, advertising agencies perform a pivotal role. Without advertising agencies, it would be difficult to imagine the growth of advertising to what it is today.

              Advertising agencies stated in the beginning by providing a service not for the advertiser, but for the media owner. Some of the first advertising agencies were media brokers, who bought space from newspaper and magazine owners and found advertisers to fill it.

Advertising agency can be classified by three major factors.
ü By the kind of advertise handle
ü By size
ü By locality

By the kind of advertise handle
a)     International and full service agency
b)    Packaged goods agency
c)     Industrial agency
d)    Specialist agency.

1 comment:

  1. selection of topic is nice. you covered whole important points in your assignment. it is very helpful for our knowledge.
