Tuesday, 18 March 2014

origin, method and circuit of cultural study

Assignments paper no -8 (Cultural study)
Topic – Origin, method and circuit of cultural study
Prepared by – Shital D Italiya
Roll no- 31
M.A.Sem – 2
Submitted to – Smt.S.B.Gardy Department of English                           M.K.University Bhavnagar

Origin, method and circuit of cultural study

Birth of cultural study-
                   Birmingham (the Birmingham centre for contemporary cultural study) by Raymond Williams and Richard Hogarth in 1964 the appellation adopted for this institution indicated at least four point of departure from the erstwhile and learning, first, it was going to be a center for a cultural and not cultural study with which the centere probably hoped to cross the hurdles of the amorphous density attached with the noun ‘Culture’ by trying to study culture  through its various signifying elements. Second , it was going to be a centre where various disciplines studies were going o be focused upon instead of one , there by necessarily making the study inter cross disciplinary. Thirdly, the temporal marker indicated that what constitud the amorphous present knowledge trends finding in these various disciplines were equally if not more important than the well formed past, in a kind challenging the canon.
 This is in turn suggested the the centre was established for the purpose of enquiring into the multidisciplinary domains of knowledge called under the umbrella term cultural studies, rather than establishing it self because of an already existing domain of knowledge like literature. In other words, the Birmingham center for contemporary cultural study indicates that it was in search of a discourse instead of a discourse being in search of a centre or a department to house itself in.
According to Andrew Milner
“ contemporary cultural studies had emerged from out of literary studies essentially by way of a very simple move: by shifting attention from an exclusive focus on the canon of high literary text to an in principle, inclusive focus on all cultural texts, William and Hogarth attempted no more than to expand the subject matter of English literature it self to include popular culture. Literary criticism had constructed the popular, not as part of English however but as the discipline’s excluded antithetical other. Almost by default then the popular culture became the subject matter of something else, the new proto- discipline of cultural study.”
                  But that was the mind 1960 prior to certain new phenomena and second waves that were to impact the definition of culture and forcing academicians in these disciplines to redraft their epistemological blueprints. The remaining two sections would attempt an understanding of this change.
Circuit of cultural studies
         The five major cultural process which the identifies
1) Representation
2) Identity
3) Production
4) Consumption
5) Regulation
                  Taken together they complete a sort of circuit what we term the circuit of culture through which any analysis of cultural text or artifact must pass if it is to be adequately studied.
                         Web have separated these parts of the circuit into distinct section but in the real worlds the continually overlap and intertwine in complex and contigent ways. However they are the elements which taken together are what we mean by doing a cultural study of a particular object.
                        As our notion of the cultural circuit suggests meaning making is an on going process. It does not just end at a pre – ordained point. While producers attempt to encode product with particular meanibg and association this is not the end of the story or biography of a product because this tells us nothing about what those product may came to mean for those using them. In other words, meanings are not just sent by producers and received passively by consumers rather meanings are actively made in consumption, through the use to which people put these product in their everyday lives.
Methods of cultural studies
Cultural studies adopts methods of analysis from various disciplines: media studies, cultural anthropology, discourse analysis, popular culture, audience theory. Most of these methods when appropriated by cultural study are heavily influenced and informed by the theories outlined in the later chapter. They are also gearned to political reading of various aspects of culture generatind gender, race sexuality related interpretation that reveal the oppressive of hegemony structure of society.
All cuktural fprms are linked to institutions the market consumers and regularity bodies. Cultural studies believes that we cannot read cultural artifact only within the aesthetics realm. A novel must be read not only within its generic conventions and the history of the novel but also in term of the publishing industry and its profits the community of reviewers the academic field of literary criticism the politics of awards and the hype and publicity machienary that sells the book.
Media culture
                  Media culture clearly reflects the multiple sides of contemporary debats and progrrame. It is for this reason that any reading of the media must always be a political reading. It helps rein force the hegemony and power of specific political, cultural and economic groups. The representation in the media are-
      This means they suggests ideologies if not alert imbibes. Media culture does not need to declare its position or ideology openly; it only needs to suggest. Showing a film star guzzling coke in a film, or using particular brands of clothing is not necessary a markrting strategy for the product. But what it does is to suggest that atars wear certain kinds of clothes and that their glamour is in part the effect of clothes.
         Media culture is provocative because it sometimes asks us to rethink what we know or reinforce that we believe in. in cuitural studies media culture is studied  through an analysis of popular media culture link films, tv serials, advertisement rather than avowedly political programmes.

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